Book Debts Insurance

Book Debts Insurance covers the cost of reproducing records and chasing debtors following the destruction of accounting records following an event. Imagine a serious flood or fire devastating your business: initially you may just be concerned with replacing your damaged property and resuming business as quickly as possible; soon you will also appreciate the importance of restoring your lost records and chasing outstanding invoices. This is where book debts insurance can help.

Book debts insurance is closely linked to other types of insurance policies, such as:

We understand that all businesses are different & can advise you on what you do, and do not, need.
What else might my business need?

What else might my business need?

If you want to insure your debts against a customer or contractor defaulting on a payment or going bankrupt, or want to insure against a tenant failing to pay their rent, then you should speak to us about these types of insurance as well.