Why do I need insurance for my care farm?

Care farms provide a broad range of service users with invaluable opportunities and potential, unfortunately they can also be difficult to insure. At Sutcliffe & Co we understand and value the work of care farms and appreciate the additional procedures needed that can make a care farm far safer than an ordinary farm. We can advise you on what insurance is essential, what is nice to have, and what is unnecessary.

What sort of insurance would be part of a basic policy for a care farm?

We understand that all businesses are different & can advise you on what you do, and do not, need.

No two farms are the same so the best way to find out is to get in touch. The amount of insurance you require, and the cost, will be determined by the activities you undertake and the size of your business. For example, an acre of herbs will have different needs compared with a large, mixed use, site with vehicles, plant and buildings. Dependent upon structure and activities you may also want to consider: