Cyber Liability Insurance with
The IASME Consortium

Cyber Essentials logo

Effective from 1 October 2023

Sutcliffe & Co is working with American International Group UK Limited (AIG), to deliver cyber liability insurance to eligible companies that obtain Cyber Essentials certification, through The IASME Consortium, or via an IASME approved Certification Body.

For further information explaining What’s Covered and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), including eligibility criteria, see Insurance with Cyber Essentials Frequently Asked Questions

The full policy wording for the insurance cover for organisations certifying from 1 October 2023 can be found here: Cyber Essentials Cyber Liability Insurance Policy Wording.

If you have any queries regarding the cover, please contact

Prior to 1 October 2023

For organisations certifying prior to 1 October 2023, the insurance was with AXA XL, a division of AXA. The policy summary and full policy wording can be found here:
Cyber Liability Insurance Policy Summary of Cover and Cyber Essentials Cyber Liability Insurance Policy Wording.

Further information is available in our Insurance with Cyber Essentials Frequently Asked Questions.

If you have any queries regarding the cover, please contact

We understand cyber insurance can be confusing but can help you understand what you do, and do not, need