Duncan Sutcliffe under an umbrella

Flood recovery checklist

Once the flood waters subside, the clean up needs to start. Duncan Sutcliffe, director, Sutcliffe & Co, gives his top tips for your consideration:

  • Obey emergency services
  • If safe, turn off utilities at mains and disconnect electrics
  • Do not enter flooded property unless safe
  • Beware contaminated water; If you have to walk through water use a stick to check the route
  • Wear protective equipment
  • Contact your insurer / broker
  • Take photos and list damage to buildings & contents
  • Get professional advice on damaged structures and specialist equipment
  • Update employees, customers, suppliers, etc
  • Obtain quotes for cleaning, repair & replacement
  • If possible, remove wet contents but do not dispose of items until authorised by your insurer
  • Disinfect the property, not forgetting the plumbing
  • Remove water & mud gradually so pressure inside and out is not excessive
  • Keep windows & doors open, weather & security permitting
  • Dry property using heaters, fans & dehumidifiers
  • When carrying out repairs consider flood resilient materials and designs that will make recovery easier next time.

We have also got a downloadable checklist, which could help your recovery process. You can download it from here

As ever, if you need help with your risk management or flood insurance then get in touch with our team.