High value vehicle theft

Tips to help prevent theft of high value vehicles.

The theft of high value vehicles is on the increase, particularly those that are keyless and can be operated using a fob, so any extra levels of precautions are being encouraged so that the stressful situation and inconvenience of your vehicle being stolen is avoided.

With the cost of living crisis increasing the financial pressures on consumers, theft is also increasing through organised crime networks and opportunists looking for a quick way to generate cash. At Sutcliffe & Co Insurance Brokers we look at ways that you can safeguard your vehicle and reduce the risk of theft.

  1. Vehicle trackers. Having a vehicle tracker installed could help you recover your vehicle quickly should a theft occur. Ensure that you have an operational tracker on your vehicle and that all subscriptions are up to date.
  2. Keeping your keys in a safe place. This might sound obvious but keeping your keys safe will prevent them being stolen. If you have a keyless car keep the fob in a faraday pouch will help prevent your key signal from being cloned.
  3. Invest in an immobiliser. Consider investing in an aftermarket immobiliser which will stop the engine starting even if the key signal has been cloned. An immobiliser with Automatic Driver Recognition is particularly effective.
  4. Secure parking. Try to ensure that your vehicle is parked in a secure location, whether that’s in a garage or gated area or under CCTV. Commonly most thefts take place after dark but secure parking should be considered day and night.
  5. Steering wheel lock. Although it maybe something that you used many years ago before technology was introduced, steering wheel locks do add that extra level of protect for your vehicle. They can also act as a visual deterrent, making it look less desirable to steel.

The Sutcliffe & Co team are experienced and knowledgeable on ways to help prevent theft of high value vehicles so please do not hesitate to contact us on 01905 21681 or alternatively email Enquiries@sutcliffeinsurance.co.uk.