Sue Steps for Samaritans

We’re very proud of our Premier Team Leader, Sue Smith, who set out to achieve 310,000 steps in March to raise funds for Samaritans. Through a lot of early mornings, Sue has already smashed both her step target and fundraising target.

Sue commented: “So happy I accomplished the goal and with nine days to spare! Thank you to everyone who has sponsored me; the money is vital to maintain Samaritans being there for people, anonymous and without judgement.”

Duncan Sutcliffe, director, Sutcliffe & Co Insurance Brokers, added: “What a huge achievement, especially during this cold, dark time of year! Sue has done so much for our business in her role as our Mental Health Champion, so it is great to see her helping do the same for our community.”

If you would like to donate to Sue’s achievements, you can do so here. And if you need to speak with someone, please call Samaritans on 116 123 for a confidential conversation.