product recall sutcliffe & co

Super glue won’t help!

Condom maker Durex has just announced the recall of batches of its non-latex condoms – this as a result of their tests showing that the condoms in question did not have the expected resilience and may split if used towards the expiry date.

Duncan Sutcliffe, director, Sutcliffe & Co, commented: “Things do break and sometimes things don’t work, however, when it comes to condoms breaking the ramifications could be huge for customers and for the business. Recalling a product is an expensive step: costs of collecting returned products, destroying them, refunding customers, replacing the product are just the start. There is also the loss of reputation and associated loss of business, especially in a sector where trust in the product is essential!

“There is, however, help in the form of insurance. Specifically product recall insurance. Unsurprisingly, this helps with the elements of a product recall from the costs associated with the necessary processing returned products but also the PR and brand rehabilitation.”