10 travel top tips from Sutcliffe & Co

10 Travel Top Tips

Every year people’s travel excitement can quickly turn to disaster. Here are 10 simple tips on how to prevent the worst happening to you:

  1. Check the FCO website to get up to date information on your travel destination, including safety, visas and health.
  2. Scan important documents such as your passport, travel documents, travel insurance, drivers licence etc and email them to yourself and a trusted contact – this means you can access them in the event of an emergency, including if they get lost or stolen.
  3. Ensure you obtain the correct inoculations and medical advice before you travel; some inoculations must be given long in advance to be effective.
  4. If you are taking a smartphone/laptop/tablet, then make sure it is backed up and has up to date spyware, antivirus, patches & firewalls and remember to keep them on your person or in your hand luggage.
  5. Do not use unauthorised taxis.
  6. Avoid logging onto public wifi networks, such as at hotels or airports.
  7. Dress in a way that does not offend or draw unwanted attention and avoid displaying obvious signs of wealth or cash.
  8. Be aware of your surroundings and new acquaintances.
  9. Do not leave drinks unnattended.
  10. Stay off social media: posting details on social media advertises your absence from your home and builds up a victim profile.

Duncan Sutcliffe, director, Sutcliffe & Co, added: “Going on holiday should be a fun and exciting adventure and with just a few precautions it will be memorable for all the right reasons.”

If you would like more risk advice regarding travel or would like assistance with travel insurance or Kidnap & Ransom insurance please get in touch with a member of our team on 01905 21681 or send us a note.