Monthly Archives: October 2018

Pitch Perfect!

On Tuesday 23 October, Duncan Sutcliffe, director, Sutcliffe & Co, will be holding a Public Speaking and Pitching Workshop at the Royal Porcelain Works, Worcester, on behalf of Worcestershire Advance. Duncan commented: “So many people find public speaking terrifying and the words ’60 second introduction’ enough to strike fear in the bravest hearts. The aim […]

10 top tips for a safer Bonfire Night

Bonfire night and the days surrounding it see a spike in insurance claims, caused either by accidents or malicious persons taking advantage of the darkness, people being at parties and the availability of fireworks. Therefore we have come up with some advice to minimise the risks. Make sure you do not let combustible materials build […]

Flood Season is here: Tips for natural disaster recovery

The Met Office recently announced storm names for 2018-19, meaning flood season is officially here and set to make waves across the UK once again – as the recent heavy rain in the west of Scotland has already demonstrated. In recent years, the threat of flooding has increased significantly and doesn’t appear to be leaving […]

When products go wrong!

Recently, there have been a number of well-known brands recalling their products for a variety of reasons: Dorset Cereals recalling a batch of their muesli due to milling issues leaving some grains slightly larger than normal, so possibility of ‘discomfort’ when eating; A batch of ‘Clear & Simple’ pregnancy tests producing some false positive results; […]