Monthly Archives: January 2021

Brew, not Blue, Monday

Sue Smith, our Premier Team Leader, in-house Mental Health First Aider, and Samaritan volunteer shares her thoughts on Blue Brew Monday: “Mental health is more important now than ever. “It has always been important but with few people being brave enough to speak out about it for fear of being treated differently or looked at […]

Supreme Court judgement: Business Interruption

Today’s Supreme Court appeal judgement is going to be great news for many policyholders across the UK who have been awaiting a decision on whether their Business Interruption insurance will cover them for Covid-related losses. The Court looked at a 21 sample policy wordings from eight insurance companies to determine if their ambiguous policy wordings […]

Economic concerns increase demand for credit insurance

More businesses are worried about cashflow and the risks to their business from a financially stressed supply chain. The British Chambers of Commerce most recent quarterly survey reported weak business conditions with no signs of improvement for most. Other reports released this week show 2020 had the worst retail figures for 25 years and car […]

Why do I need Cyber and Data insurance?

Cyber insurance, or data protection insurance, is a type of insurance cover that protects you and your data from any potential threat, data loss or data breaching. Cyber and Data insurance can protect you and your business from the impacts caused by damage or loss of important information from your IT systems or network. Nowadays, a […]