Monthly Archives: July 2023

How could Artificial Intelligence impact workplace safety?

Artificial Intelligence has been continually in the news as the latest technology to revolutionise the way we live and work, but is it to be feared or embraced? Either way it looks like it’s here to stay. This article provides more detail on AI technology, outlines how it affects workplace safety, and highlights the ways […]

Common causes of escape of water in property

In 2022 escape of water continued to be a significant issue for both residential and commercial buildings with a total of £987 million worth of claims made across the year, a 15% increase over 2021. As an issue, escape of water is significant both in terms of regularity and severity of claims, which means that […]

Can ‘Crash for Cash’ scams be avoided?

Not all collisions on our roads are an accident and as the financial pressures increase for many households and businesses, fraudulent insurance claims for crashes between vehicles is set to increase further. Crash for Cash are scams that can range from paper-base fabrications to physical collisions involving innocent road users, all with the aim of […]

Is your school protected over the summer holidays?

As another school year comes to an end and the six weeks summer holidays are on the horizon, the education sector are being warned of a potential rise in criminal activity over this vulnerable period when their premises is largely unoccupied. Due to the cost-of-living crisis and inflation, schools are being urged to ensure they […]