Monthly Archives: September 2020

High Court Rules on Coronavirus Insurance claims

Yesterday, 15 September, the High Court gave its judgement on a legal test case examining whether certain business interruption insurance policies did, or did not, cover Coronavirus claims. The court case arose because, when the pandemic hit, about 10% of business insurance policies were found to have ambiguous wordings. This made it unclear whether policyholders […]

What you need to know about a ‘Hard Insurance Market’

You may find your business’s insurance facing rate increases as the insurance market becomes more challenging. Why? Insurers are looking to balance their books with either reduced capacity, pulling out of some risk areas, and/or revisiting terms and conditions. This is known as a ‘hard insurance market’, but what does that actually mean? Stewart Glazzard, […]

What is student insurance – and do you need it?

If you, or your child/grandchild, has survived the exam results algorithm and is just embarking on their first term at university or college, you’ll be very aware of how much kit is on the packing list – including some expensive yet essential items like a laptop, phone and tablet. However, when you are facing a […]