Monthly Archives: January 2023

When should I forward a phishing email?

Reporting phishing attempts is a proactive way to help protect yourself and your business. Cyber criminals are becoming more sophisticated in their methods so understanding what phishing is and how to protect yourself is becoming increasingly important. What is a phishing email? The term ‘phishing’ is used to describe cyber-attacks by email where the aim […]

Top tips for supporting workplace mental health

Monday 16th January is ‘Blue Monday’ and is considered to be the most depressing day of the year after overindulging at Christmas time, bills coming through the door and feeling guilty about not sticking to new year’s resolutions. Wellbeing and mental health in the workplace is very important and Sutcliffe & Co have many tips […]

Duncan Sutcliffe Newly Elected Worcestershire Ambassador

Duncan Sutcliffe has been announced as a newly elected Worcestershire Ambassador, joining business leaders who champion the County by actively supporting local communities, businesses and charities. As the Managing Director of the widely known, fourth generation family insurance brokers Sutcliffe & Co, Duncan Sutcliffe supports many local initiatives and good causes, as well as being […]