Monthly Archives: February 2020

Flood recovery checklist

Once the flood waters subside, the clean up needs to start. Duncan Sutcliffe, director, Sutcliffe & Co, gives his top tips for your consideration: Obey emergency services If safe, turn off utilities at mains and disconnect electrics Do not enter flooded property unless safe Beware contaminated water; If you have to walk through water use […]

Batten down the hatches

Top tips for preparing you property and your business from storms and extreme weather

Could ISO 45001 Reduce Your Insurance Premiums?

Even with all the best safety measures in place, injuries at activity centres aren’t uncommon, making insurance premiums costly. So, what can you do to keep your insurance premiums down?

5 top tips to protect your Valentine’s Day investment

Valentine’s Day is the perfect opportunity to splash out on a special gift for our loved ones, or even ask ‘that’ question! If you are treating your loved one this Valentine’s Day, then you will have thought about all the little touches that will make the day, and your gift, even more special: wrapping paper, […]