Tag Archives: cyber insurance

5 Reasons why Cyber Underinsurance or Uninsurance is concerning

There are many changes happening in the world of cyber and it is vital that businesses keep up with these and ensure they are properly protected. Cyber underinsurance or uninsurance is a real concern and this needs to be addressed by businesses to remain fully protected against more sophisticated cyber attacks, increased digitalisation within companies […]

Grab yourself a bargain this Black Friday and not a scam

Friday 25th November is Black Friday and Monday 28th November is Cyber Monday, it is a chance for many people to grab a bargain with many leading brands dropping their prices to boost sales before Christmas. But with £billions being made by hot deals that are ‘not to be missed’, cyber criminals can take advantage […]

Cyber-security Fundamentals

Cyber-security breaches continue to be a problem for all types of organisations. According to a survey by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport, four in 10 businesses and a quarter of charities reported experiencing cyber-attacks in the past 12 months. While organisations are always at risk from a cyber-attack, there may be a […]

Cyber Essentials – a minimum baseline of cyber security for all businesses

In January 2022, the Government’s Cyber Essentials scheme received its biggest overhaul to date. The significant changes to the technical requirements in the scheme reflect the security challenges in today’s digital world. How does the Cyber Essentials scheme work?Cyber Essentials is an effective, baseline cyber security scheme centred around five technical controls that help protect organisations of all sizes from […]

BEWARE Black Friday – A season of ill will

Black Friday and Cyber Monday have turned into a frenzy of online transactions as people and organisations buy and sell in the build up to Christmas. Cyber criminals know that £billions are changing hands over a short period of time and want a slice of the action. They also know that this frenzy can lead […]

Protecting organisations and users with Two Factor Authentication

Cyber security experts have reviewed the methods criminals use to hack organisations and have found that organisations who deploy Two Factor Authentication are significantly safer than those who do not. Why we need Two Factor Authentication With much of our business carried out electronically we have become more open to criminals. Hacks, data breaches and […]

2021 Cyber Security Breaches Survey – Roundup

In the day-to-day running of a business various forms of technology will be used and this means that organisations are potentially subjected to cyber-attacks more often than they would like, unless they take steps to prevent and protect themselves. 2021 saw a slight dip in the rate of organisations that prioritise cyber-security with 77 per […]

5 steps to help prevent cyber-attacks for SMEs

One of the biggest threats to Small, Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs) is cyber-attacks, according to an Aviva Risk Insights report. In today’s increasingly digital world and with more people working remotely, we have seen a rise in the threat of cyber-attacks. A cyber-attack can damage a brand’s reputation as well as causing incredible disruption and […]